Watering Can

Free websites for Bible-believing churches

Below is a list of resources that we use to provide our free church website service:
Annual Charges
Vendor Service Tier Units Unit Price Amount
Total $12.98
Namecheap Domain registration N/A 1 $12.98 $12.98
Monthly Charges
Vendor Service Tier Units Unit Price Amount
Total $13.14
Plausible Analytics Website analytics Growth 1 $9.00 $9.00
Hetzner Cloud Linux virtual machines CPX11 1 $4.14 (€3.85) $4.14 (€3.85)
MongoDB Atlas Cloud MongoDB databases M0 1 $0.00 $0.00
Mailgun SMTP e-mail sending Free 1 $0.00 $0.00
(Unless otherwise stated, all prices are in USD and do not include any applicable taxes.)

Last updated 2024/05/09